Agitated Behavior Scale (ABS)

(Bogner, 2000)

Used to assess aspects of agitation experienced during the acute phase of recovery from acquired brain injury including aggression, disinhibition, and lability. Allows for repeated assessment of agitation and objective feedback. Consists of 14 items rated on a 1 to 4 scale. Scores range from 14 to 56.

Assessment Scale

1 = behavior is present

2 = behavior is present to a slight degree

3 = behavior is present to a moderate degree

4 = behavior is present to an extreme degree


21 points or below: normal behavior

22–28 points: mild agitation

29–35 points: moderate agitation

36–56 points: severe agitation


Bogner, J. (2000). The Agitated Behavior Scale. The Center for Outcome Measurement in Brain Injury.